Primary Logos
The following elements for UC Irvine and UCI Health form the basis of our identity system.
Core Elements
Primary Identifier logo
The UC Irvine primary identifier logo is the official mark of UC Irvine. It should be used on all external communications and on internal communications requiring a more formal approach.
Minimum Size
No version of the UC Irvine logo should appear smaller than the minimum size (3/16” high). The logo must always be recognizable and readable.
Maximum Size
In all cases, the UC Irvine logo should be treated tastefully and with integrity. It should never be scaled disproportionately large in relation to the piece in which it appears.
Endorsement logo
The endorsement logo is used when the communications priority is to create a link between the university’s higher-level brand and the endorsed subject. This ensures that the subject benefits from the quality assurance of the UC Irvine brand.
The endorsement logo provides a greater degree of marketing flexibility when creating distinctive communications at various levels of the university. It can be used in conjunction with other branding elements but should not be locked up with the primary or secondary identifier logos.
Secondary Identifier logo
The UC Irvine secondary identifier logo, or UCI Monogram, is designed for internal use within the UC Irvine community. It may be used informally on external communications when accompanied by the primary identifier logo. It should not be used for formal external communications and should not appear on the same printed page as the primary identifier logo.
UCI Health
Core Elements
UCI Health must differentiate itself within the healthcare market, which means the brand must connect with patient communities somewhat independently of the UC Irvine brand.
As a result, UCI Health has a stand-alone brand platform that specifically addresses the needs of its unique audiences.
Minimum Size
The UCI Health signature should not appear smaller than the minimum size (3/16” high) so that it is always recognizable and readable.
Maximum Size
In all cases, the UCI Health signature should be treated tastefully and with integrity. It should never be scaled disproportionately large in relation to the piece in which it appears.
To request artwork for UCI Health or academic properties please inquire via Marketing Request Form.
Under the umbrella of the UC Irvine brand, we also have the UCI Health brand, which shares an academic audience but also broadly touches our local community and the world at large.
The UCI Health signature is a stand-alone signature and is not to be locked-up directly with department, center, institute, location or any additional copy. Any additional copy or information added must be placed at least one “U” away from the UCI Health logo; this includes department, center, institute, clinic, etc.
The UCI Health signature is to be used:
- To identify and market any single or multi-specialty healthcare offering
- On any clinical office, building or facility signage
- This serves to unite providers in the community and to communicate that UCI Health is in your neighborhood
- In any direct-to-consumer sponsorships
- In any UCI Health-directed fundraising
- When sending any communication materials on behalf of UCI Health, such as business cards, letterhead, invoices, emails, etc.
As a practical matter, service lines, centers, departments, programs and events may apply the UCI Health signature with their respective service line, center, department, program or event name listed underneath the UCI Health logo, with their name underneath, with a “U” space between lines.
Color Variations for Core Elements
Yellow and white logos to appear on PMS 7685 or darker colored backgrounds to ensure contrast.
UCI Health
Yellow and white logos to appear on PMS 7685 or dark-colored background to ensure contrast.
The UCI Health signature is a stand-alone signature and is not to be locked up with department, center or institute names.
Any additional information (i.e., department, center or institute names) must be a “U” away from the UCI Health signature.
Clear Zone
Always maintain a clear zone around the signature to maximize recognition and maintain integrity. These areas should never be intruded upon by any other element. This is a measurement that is equal to the width of the “U” in the primary identifier.
Additional artwork or logos cannot be locked up with any UCI logo. A minimum “U” space must be observed.
UCI Health
Always maintain a clear zone around the signature to maximize recognition and maintain integrity. These areas should never be intruded upon by any other element. This is a measurement that is equal to the width of the “U” in the primary identifier.
Additional artwork or logos cannot be locked up with the UCI Health logo. A minimum “U” space must be observed.